Success Stories

What challenges are you facing right now? 

One-on-one Raydiant Pathways sessions and group workshops can support you to easily release blocks that are limiting your health and success.

Contact Aliess at 847-644-9834 to schedule a free 15-minute consultation to learn how she can help and schedule a session.


For Potency

"I can truly say I LOVE THIS WORK-PLAY AND IT IS SO POTENT & POWERFUL. Having just finished my first Raydiant Pathway, I am feeling joyous, potent, and full of right-on potential. I experienced immediate shifts as I worked through life-long resistances to what I truly desire. I am so happy I invested in myself in this way. ”

Pete Brandel, developer of the Inner Play™ Way Expanding Consciousness


For Inner Creativity

“I am doing really well working with Raydiant Pathways.  I have done one every day so far, and have felt some changes energetically, and shifts in perceptual awareness and the "tone" of my reality. I can tell that my personal ‘reality’ has opened up to include lots more.  This is lots of fun!” 

—Auriel Coleman, energy healer


For Changing Your Outlook

I was 89 and about to be 90, and I didn't want anyone to know. I believed that if people knew, a cloud would come over their faces, they would look at me differently, not take me seriously, expect decline in every way. I myself expected decline in every way.

But after doing a Raydiant Pathway I realized that waking up on my 90th birthday would open a new decade, exciting, fulfilling, and not simply deterioration. I could make the nineties something wonderful.

That actually happened! In a few weeks I will be 93. I will wake up knowing that life is still a wonderful adventure, hearing-aids, glasses, ankle braces, a cane and all, helping me. Best of all, now at every opportunity I tell anybody and everybody exactly how old I am!"

—Mary K.


For Self-Love

I just did a Raydiant Pathway at the Body Mind Spirit Expo. My goal for the Pathway was to have more self-love to help me in my new job search. After the Pathway, the feeling I had inside was as if I came home and someone had a surprise party for me. Like the feeling of being on top of the world. I had these sensations at the top of my head like some kind of Buddha halo!

I noticed when I came back to share with Aliess and Peter at the booth, that everyone just kind of moved out of my way as I walked through the crowded expo aisles. Usually I'm like, 'Oh, excuse me, pardon me, excuse me.' I don't know if you noticed the women over there, but it's as if they knew I was coming and they just moved out of my way! That never happens for me. It was a great feeling."



For Clear Thinking

“Hi Aliess, First, I did get some ideas for my project after the Pathway I did with you. I've used it twice on my own since and been amazed! Both times, I was confused and struggling about what needed to be done to further my homework project. I went through the Raydiant Pathway process, followed by the most productive day. I 'suddenly' had clarity, assimilated all the pieces I had been learning, and was able to easily analyze it as it related to my project. What a gift to be able work and write with ease — releasing a lot of stress I had been carrying regarding it. Thank you!”

—Marie Hatland, graduate student


For Courage and Confidence

"I knew I needed to do some marketing of my business, and in particular, I had to get better at networking. As an introvert, networking is something I find very hard to do. So I decided to craft an intention around networking. Then I set a goal of doing a Raydiant Pathway once a week to help me realize that intention. I did this for a month.

The results were amazingly supportive. I found myself making breakthroughs in my attitude towards networking, getting fresh insights into why I resisted networking, and developing a newfound freedom that allowed me to network with greater ease and joy.

One of the great aspects of working with Aliess and the Raydiant Pathway worksheets she provides you with afterward is the potential for creating a log of your Pathway experiences and intentions. As a result, at the end of the month I was able to go back and review my progress. That was a positive, affirming experience. In addition, it helped me to identify areas in which I can still keep growing.

I’m very excited about what Raydiant Pathways added to my experience of marketing this past month. It’s now a regular part of my “marketing plan.”  Thank you, Peter and Aliess!"

— Rose, Sole Proprietor