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This could be anything that is inspiring me that I'd like to share: a photo, a quote, a poem, a spiritual teaching

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Many of you are familiar with using plant tinctures for medicinal purposes, even psychological rebalancing via Dr. Bach 36 Bach Flower remedies. Or using the burning of dried plants, such as sage, in ceremony as a way to clear and set the vibrational tone of a space. Eliot Cohen, shaman and author of Plant Spirit Medicine, introduced me to yet another level of relating to the plant kingdom—not as food, not as medicine, but literally as companions. Of course this understanding has been around for thousands of years and is the basic orientation of the aboriginal...

Posted by on in Inspiration
If you haven't heard of the Fuzz Speech yet, you're in for an inspirational ride. I learned about this through my Nia White Belt training. When we go to sleep, a sort-of fuzz naturally starts to build between our muscles and soft tissue. When we wake up, we naturally melt or burn it off when, and IF, we stretch and thoroughly move. If, however, we don't move around much, or have a physically small range of motion through the natural expression of our personality, the fuzz does not get burned off, and every day that follows,...

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I was having a conversation with a friend the other day when it dawned on me how easy it is to forget why negative patterns keep occurring, despite our best intentions. Here's the reason—and this is the key—because locked underneath our thoughts and positive intentions are beliefs. And if our beliefs run counter to how we wish it was or declare it can be, things won't change. We need to change that underlying belief.

Dr. Bruce Lipton, in his book The Biology of Belief wrote the following about this fundamental key:

"Positive thoughts have a profound effect on behavior and genes but only when they are in harmony with subconscious programming. And negative thoughts have an equally powerful effect. When we recognize how these positive and negative beliefs control our biology, we can use this knowledge to create our lives filled with health and happiness."