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Releasing Negative Self-Talk

Posted by on in From "Issue" to Intention
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Say, for example, that you have a fabulous idea. It could be about anything: a new way to organize your closet, a new way of being with your intimate partner, a new way of contributing at work, or a new hobby that you hope will lead to a business.

What typically happens when your imagination presents your brain with a new thought is this: your brain reminds you of all the ways getting started with a new idea has never worked, can't work, or probably won't work—because your brain has no pattern for success with this new idea. It doesn't know how to do it.

To help your brain over this hurdle, give it a simple command that it does know how to do and repattern your light body to create new mental habits.

Here are some ideas for intentions to take into the Open Pathways:

  1. I intend to allow my brain to show me new ways to achieve my goal of [blank].
  2. I intend to consciously notice when I hear negative self-talk relative to my goal, pause, and replace it with supportive self-coaching.
  3. I intend to articulate small achievable steps that support my larger vision, and repattern my light body for success before I begin each step.
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manages the Raydiant Day Center in Evanston, offers member support, and teaches ongoing Nia group fitness classes.
